Kamis, 14 September 2017

Techniques how to paint the car body with perfect results

How to paint the right car Painting the body of a car or motorcycle usually involves professionals or those who are experts in the field of vehicle painting. Basically the process of painting a vehicle such as a car or motorcycle requires two experts. The first experts are putty putters and other experts are painters. But sometimes it only involves one person for putty and paint.

Learn techniques on how to paint a car that is good and right so that the result will be perfect. For best painting result choose good paint quality. Painting car body and car wheels are not much different. To produce a good painting quality of course need some repeating painting so that the result is more flat and perfect.
Techniques how to paint the motor is no different from the technique how to paint the car, even paint the motor is easier because it can be removed which will be painted, so it does not have to cover other parts such as when painting the car.
Before painting the body of the car should be done the closure of other parts that are not painted which is usually closed with newsprint. Closure must be tight because paint can penetrate inward. How to paint the car or motor is correct if the results look smooth and not wrinkled (orange peel)
The process of painting the car is actually quite simple and there is no secret. In general, the process of painting the car there are only two stages, namely the pelempulan and painting. However, painting the car requires experience and serious work and calm in the work.
The work of putty putter is very important and can not be underestimated, because good or not the result of painting depends on the intelligence of the putty putter. good patching will look solid and not perforated. If the result of uneven casting will certainly affect the final result (after painting), so the appearance of the paint will be disappointing. How to put the right car putty.
Clean the area to be in the putty of dirt or rust, so putty can stick strongly. You can get putty in the paint shop. Stir the putty until completely flat and then spread thinly and evenly. For best results do the movement in the direction of movement. After dry do sanding to get perfect results.

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